Poetry slam: wine education for kids [giveaway]

In our recent discussion of wine education for kids, two readers thoughtfully provided translations of an Italian rhyming verse (“Filastrocca del vino”) that is used in some Italian elementary schools.

foodie_babiesBut we can’t let the Italians have all the fun! You are hereby challenged to come up with some sort of poem–be it a limerick, haiku, rhyming couplets or full-on iambic pentameter–about wine for kids in America. It can be descriptive of the current state of wine education to kids or focused on grapes, wine or consumption. It may be adopted in classrooms across America!

Whatever you choose to do, post your rhyme/poem in the comments below by next Monday. To whet your whistle, there will be a prize: Foodie Babies Wear Bibs, the sixth in a series of children’s board books by none other than Mrs. Vino. Have fun with it! (The winning entry will be the one that makes her laugh the most; prize can only be sent to a US address.)

9 Responses to “Poetry slam: wine education for kids [giveaway]”

  1. Father let me dip
    My finger in the glass at
    A young age. Still sober!

  2. Ouch – I was too quick to draw. so-ber (for a total of 6 syllables)

    Does this count?

    Father let me dip
    My finger in the glass at
    A young age. Sober!

  3. whiney babies trump
    foodie babies wearing bibs
    everywhere but here

  4. I’ve titled this one, “Social Lubricant”:

    Sauvignon Blanc looks,
    Looking through the text books
    What’s to say for Cabernet,
    When schools already Convey
    That You Know, We Know, there’s something DARK about the Pinot,
    But with some help from Mrs. Vino,
    Our kid’s foodie minds will be free, so
    Let’s teach them responsibility over the fragility and instability being poured into everyone’s glass.
    Is summer time year round now that schools teach kids without class?
    Because if we cant, decant, then we chant; In Vino Veritas!
    And if they can’t handle such a sobering statement, well, that’s their loss.

  5. Baby sippin’ milk
    Parents sippin’ wine
    Baby calls the cops to report the crime

    Cops drive up with guns a blazin’
    Obviously the parents need a major tazin’

    Baby holds court, grievences are heard
    Parents try to talk but can’t get in a word

    Baby is quiet compelling, it all seems crystal clear
    Cops even forget their love of Miller Beer

    Prison bus drives the parents down the lane
    Baby sealed the case that they were completely insane

  6. There was a young boy from Calais
    Whose parents drank wine every day
    When he mentioned the folly
    of quaffing from Brouilly
    They sent him to bed with rosé.

  7. Don’t you think it’s about time,
    To stop demonizing wine!?
    When your kids sit down to dine,
    Let them suggest a line,
    About the yummy fruit from the vine.
    I’m not saying build wine a shrine,
    But let us opine.
    Wine can be found in the Rhine,
    And in your backyard, or mine.
    It is the the backbone, or spine,
    Of what makes us all shine.
    So let’s toast to the decline,
    To all this nasty talk about wine!

  8. Some funny poems here and lots of LOLz. Mrs. Vino reports that while she appreciated the hat tips of a couple of the entries, she ended up selecting Steve’s as the “one that made her laugh the most.” But she concedes it won’t be adapted in in school curricula any time soon, so in that respect, he Italians still get to have all the fun. So thanks to all and, Steve, come on down and collect your prize!

  9. Yaaay! Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo!

    All of this frenzied jumping up and down is making my moobs sore!


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