Detox shmetox?

Some people try to start the new year with an empty glass: I know at least two wine writers who take all of January off from drinking any form of alcohol.

While that might be good for the brain, to know that there’s no addiction, apparently the liver is indifferent or confused. A story in yesterday’s copy of The Independent quoted a doctor as saying it is “medically futile” to stop drinking for a month thinking it can atone for previous overconsumption. The head of the British Liver Trust (the English BLT?) says “You are better off making a resolution to take a few days off alcohol a week throughout the entire year than remaining abstinent for January only.”

I try to take a day or two a week with no drinking or tasting. In part, it’s to spare my liver and in part because I am too busy running around. Whatever the reason, I feel it is a sort of reset, that makes me more excited to taste wine on those days that I do.

What are your steps to moderation? Have your say in the poll or the comments!

[poll id=”22″]

9 Responses to “Detox shmetox?”

  1. When I used to run marathons, I would detox for four weeks prior to the day of the event. No wine, no liquor whatsoever. It was difficult at times–especially when I ran a marathon in December (I missed the Thanksgiving wine) but it was worth it. I felt lighter, cleaner, and fully hydrated–maybe it was all psychological, but it got me across the finish line every time.

  2. I usually go a day or 2 without drinking… it’s not easy ;/

  3. Interesting question. I recently am feeling down on wine. We’ve had 4 or 5 bottles that were supposed to be stellar and were quite expensive, that we didn’t like. We’ve been going to wine tastings once a week that feature “Value Wines” under $15.00, and despite the very good food that accompanies, I’m sick of value wines. I don’t look forward to drinking wine anymore. I’m wondering if my taste buds have changed. I am searching my soul.

  4. Andrea – Yay for marathons! I bet you popped something nice afterward though.

    Mousse – So shall we change your vote to “Never!”?? 😉

    Robin – That’s terrible! I had something similar a few weeks ago thanks to a cold. Maybe give it a week and see if wine holds more appeal. Do report back to us!

  5. I open 2 sometimes 3 bottles a week, so that is like 5days of wine, so 2 days off for sure, just depends on work too, if I get home really late I dont want to have a drink feel like I dont have enough time to enjoy the wine before bed.

    Tho after Yoga I do generally crave wine ha

  6. Fun poll! I usually open a bottle on Thursday and enjoy it through the weekend. Although, I do have occasional two bottle weeks 🙂

  7. […] Vino wonders: “What are your steps to moderation?” (0) Comments […]

  8. If you keep it really moderate, why bother skipping a day? It’s hard to imagine that a drink a day can really hurt, or that abstaining for a day a week really helps. My method: 1 beer a day during the week, two (ok sometimes three) glasses of wine each night during the weekend. Works for me.

  9. Detoxing is for lightweights. I tried it once. By the time January was over, I had to spend the first week of February steaming drunk. Drinking without getting drunk is a waste of time too, obviously. Three bottles a week? For shame! That’s like taking the pledge. Who needs prohibition when folk are quite capable of denying themselves pleasure without being ordered to. And don’t get me started on vegetarians. Pah!


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