Here’s to you Ms. Robinson!

In the NYT today, Eric Asimov interviews HRH Jancis Robinson, MW, OBE aka Jancis. Perhaps the HMS Indefatigable would be a better name given the amazing number of wine projects she has from the new Oxford Companion to Wine to her FT column, to her web site.

In her most recent column, she brings up an excellent point: mid-priced wines are the hardest to sell and offer the best value. Cut to the tape:

Very, very roughly the price bracket I would argue represents the best value today is about £8-£15, or $15-$30, a bottle. Into this bracket fall typically the finest wines produced by the least celebrated producers. They lack the reputation that allows them to ask for higher prices but the price reflects distinctly superior grapes, often grown at deliberately restricted yields in vineyards that have recently been planted or upgraded, using very similar techniques to those used for far more expensive wines.

I would agree that it is a sweet spot. But it’s sort of a puzzle why this is overlooked. I guess it is like mid-grade gasoline–either you want the cheap stuff or premium.

While wines below this range offer good value, it can be frustratingly hit or miss. Moving up a notch does offer more consistency. But it also cranks up your tab if you like popping a cork every evening. Consider it sage advice for the weekend from Jancis.

Related: “The Oxford Companion to Wine, third edition” [Dr. V]
Tasting Pleasures, confessions of a wine lover by Jancis Robinson.

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One Response to “Here’s to you Ms. Robinson!”

  1. Though it’s true I would probably blindly follow Jancis anywhere, I think she is right on the money about better quality wines in that price range. Winemakers do seem to be striving harder to make better wines, whether for personal satisfaction or to stand out among a clutter of colorful labels on store shelves. Whatever the reason, we should make the most of the situation and drink much and often.


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