‘Virgin boy eggs’ from China: impossible food-wine pairing?

Ah, spring is in the air. And people around the world are thinking about eggs. Here, we have bunnies who lay colored and chocolate eggs. In China, it turns out, the springtime air in Dongyang fills with the smell of hot urine and the gastronome’s mind in that city then turns to…eggs. Let’s hear the recipe for this “delicacy” from Reuters: “Basins and buckets of boys’ urine are collected from primary school toilets. Eggs are then soaked and cooked in the urine.” A vendor touted the health properties, saying “If you eat this, you will not get heat stroke.” A shopper who was buying 20 eggs pushed the health angle further: “we will not have any pain in our waists, legs and joints. Also, you will have more energy when you work.”

Given China’s growing interest in wine, perhaps they need a little help with the wine pairing? If you were a sommelier in Dongyang, what would you serve with urine-boiled eggs–or is it impossible?!! A sauvignon blanc with notes of pipi de chat?

8 Responses to “‘Virgin boy eggs’ from China: impossible food-wine pairing?”

  1. This time I give up! Perhaps the strongest possible alcohol to cover the taste or the cheapest beer in order no to waste anything on those eggs?

  2. I’m going to say Fino Sherry, on the assumption that they have a similar briny flavour. I don’t know. This is gross.

  3. i think i’d need something strong and slightly sweet to chase the taste of pee. how about a bottle of tokaji

  4. This has to be an early April Fools’ joke, right?

    If not, then I would go with Pouilly Fume.

  5. I just smelled boys’ urine this morning – no kidding. Then I have 11 cats. Similar smell. What to drink? Gewurtztraminer? or some kind of beer. Do people really do this stuff?

  6. […] we just did an “impossible” challenge but it reeked of pipi and April foolery. So here’s something more useful: five veggie burger recipes via the Times, […]

  7. Bruno – Gotcha! 😉

    Joe – Yes, it really reeks of tomfoolery, right? But the story is from Reuters and it was published on March 30. So apparently it is true. I’m sure the wine is best enjoyed in a plastic cup, in a full tribute to urine samples. #mmm

    RobinC – Whoa, that’s a lot of cats!!

  8. I read that it tastes like tea. Green or black, I have no idea.

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