LA wine shops, a map

If you are spending your Thanksgiving in greater LA, then you’ll no doubt be looking for a worthwhile shop to get some vino. Fortunately that won’t be a problem since LA has some of the best wine stores in the country. And now I have plotted them on a new, interactive map for your wine-loving convenience.

See the map

Click each pin for a brief description of the shop as well as contact info and hours. Zoom in, pull back, even switch to satellite view and see which celebrities are there right now–or if there’s space in the parking lot! (OK, it’s not real time info but that would be helpful!)

I haven’t included any supermarkets nor the various locations of the chain BevMo. I figure that wine isn’t the main reason reason that people go to supermarkets, as good as their selection might be. And for BevMo, I got to tired to plot their locations so you can just go to their site.

I offer a major tip o’ the hat to Dan Fredman who helped me get my orientation in the wine geek’s LA.

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6 Responses to “LA wine shops, a map”

  1. Dr. Vino:

    Thanks for this excellent map. I’ve posted a link to it on my site–and you did a great job not only covering the west side and downtown, but also regions to the east like Pasadena.

  2. Thanks drdebs! Glad it is a help!

  3. Probably the smallest wine store in LA is ‘Winery Direct’ in Pasadena (673 E. Walnut Street). They sell exclusively their own high-end Italian imports. Phone # 800-946-3329. By appointment only. Probably due to the size of their store. 🙂

  4. Great info, but why not extend to the Inland Empire. Liquorama Fine Wines & Spirits is the largest store in San Bernadino county. Their website is and they seem to have everything! Worth a look!

  5. Du Vin Wine & Spirits is not “just” a wine shop, but a destination experience. Their selection spans hard-to-find European wines, little known California, even Moroccan wine. The staff is small, knowledgeable, informative and offers tips on food pairing. Maybe the most fun in the shop is having them show you wines that are from really small wineries, from unusual corners of wine regions that are really value-priced.

  6. I own a wine club with a physical wine shoppe (open to the public, including non-members) at 907 S. Magnolia Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016, located just off the 210 Huntington exit. We’ve been around since 1972!

    The website is here:


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