Wine quiz winners

Scott in Park City, Utah come on down! Scott was randomly selected from those with a 100% score on the year end wine quiz and he has won a case of wine. Given the fact that I was paying for the prize out of my measly ad revenues as a thank you to all readers of the site, the fact that Scott lives in Utah was just a minor inconvenience. Because it is impossible to ship wine to Utah, I dealt with the charmingly named wine shop, State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Store #34 to help arrange the case for Scott. As bleak as this windowless warehouse may seem, they actually have wines from several good importers and producers.

Nathan in Portland, OR won the NYC Michelin Guide (which I switched for him to Emperor of Wine since he is about as far as possible from NYC in the continental US), Rebecca in Chicago won the Accidental Connoisseur, and Patricia in Evanston, IL won the aroma wheel. Congratulations to all!

The quiz generated over 500 responses with 19% getting all 12 questions correct (see the answers). Many participants came from Chicago and Dayton OH but there were many places beyond including Abu Dhabi (!), the UK, Norway, Finland, Ireland, Canada, Argentina and many more. All those with 100% correct scores were put into a folder and generated the numbers of the winners.

Thank you for your participation and hopefully you found it as interesting in taking it as I did in compiling the material. If you want to be notified of the next quiz, go to the main site and sign up for the email list. Thanks to all bloggers and web sites who linked to the quiz–a list follows below.

Accidental Hedonist
Slash Food
Zen Foodism
Mango & Ginger

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